The film tackles the lives of two pals (Damon Wayans Jr. and Jake Johnson) who seem to be going through an apparent mid-life crisis. But they're only 30.
Just when they're about to hit rock bottom, the two decide to go out for a little party. Jake Johnson (New Girl) mistakes a masquerade party for a costume party resulting in the two going as cops. But this little mistake turns out better than they expected. Every single person they run into thinks that the duo are cops.
The two take advantage of this and take it to a whole new level. They crash parties, do a fair share of drugs, and even get a cop car off the internet.
Let's just say that they realize they might have taken it a little too far. Only, they're too deep to pull out. Who knows? They might even do some police work themselves.
Being that this is a Damon Wayans Jr. movie, it could go both ways. His previous films contained humorless and cheesy lines that just ruined each movie as a whole. However, with a star-packed film such as Let's Be Cops, it might be enough to put Wayans's name back out there. Personally, I believe the trailer does a really good job of executing hilarious scenes with great timing. It captured not only my attention, but the attention of all the people I showed it to. I will definitely be purchasing a ticket for this comedy.
Check out the red band trailer below!