Beverly Hills Cop is the story of Axel Foley (Eddie Murphy), a Detroit police officer who gets into a lot of trouble when solving cases. But when his old friend comes to visit him and gets murdered, Foley embarks on an investigation to find the stone-hearted man that killed his best friend.
Axel Foley travels to Beverly hills and teams up with his high school friend Jenny Summers (Lisa Eilbacher) to hunt down the murderer. Along the way, he gets into some trouble and has to deal with two detectives following him around (Judge Reinhold and John Ashton). Let's just say Eddie Murphy gets more than he bargained for when he learns that there's more to the whole story.
Beverly Hills Cop is a great action comedy with Eddie Murphy's foul-mouth making it even better. The whole plot and action sequences make this '84 film stand out. Axel Foley is a hilarious character that cracks jokes almost every scene making me almost choke on my popcorn because I was laughing so hard. Sure the film is a bit centered on Eddie Murphy, but that saves the movie from being boring. The film wouldn't be as great if it were not for his persona. Other famous film critics weren't too fond of the film. But I leave it up to you. I'm positive you'll get a kick out of it. I give it an 8/10.
For a different perspective on the movie, take a look at Roger Ebert's view on the movie.
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