The movie is based on the book Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of Seal Team 10 which illustrates what Seal Team 10 had to go through when on a mission to hunt down a terrorist.
This actors in this film do an amazing job of portraying what each soldier had to go through. You can really feel the tension and suspense throughout the the movie. Not only that, but it demonstrates the warm feeling of brotherhood between each soldier.
The war scenes are action packed and fought on torturing terrain. Goodness I don't know how four soldiers can resist so much. The main character Marcus Luttrell probably gets shot five or six times in different parts of his body and still has to watch out for rattlesnakes and scouting Taliban members.
If anything, Lone Survivor made the audience respect the soldiers of America even more. K. Davis of Light, Camera, Action recommends this film and so do I. It does not disappoint and keeps you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. I give it an 8/10.
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