Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Remind Me to go to Hawaii When a Girl Dumps Me

I'm normally not a huge romantic comedy fan. Mostly because, well, they suck. They lack the key element which is comedy and just leave me bored out of my mind. But Forgetting Sarah Marshall is something different, it's actually funny!

The film follows Peter Bretter (Jason Segal), as he deals with the recent event in which Sarah Marshall (Kristen Bell) dumps him. In order to cope with the pain, Peter travels to Hawaii. Ironically, Sarah Marshall is there as well. Oh but she's not alone, she is with her new beau, Aldous Snow (Russell Brand). But all is well when Peter Bretter meets Rachel (Mila Kunis).

This movie is absolutely hilarious. I've always been a fan of Jason Segal and Russell Brand. It was a truly amazing performance put on by all the actors. It contains all the elements which make a romantic comedy a success.

I highly recommend Forgetting Sarah Marshall to all of you. I assure you it will not disappoint. There were many scenes where I almost peed my pants from all the laughter. Congratulations Jason Segal, you wrote a hilarious movie. Therefore, I give it a 7.8/10.

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